Project Description

Client:   City of El Paso – Capital Improvements Department
Location:   Chihuahua’s Baseball Stadium
Surface Area:
Year Completed:   2014

Project consisted of a pedestrian platform extending from the ballpark site over the Bataan Railway to the South and a smaller pedestrian bridge extending from the ballpark site over the Bataan Railway to the South.

More Details

The platform and bridge both had deep foundations on the South side of the Bataan Railway.  Project scope for the platform included the following: 70’ piers, structural steel members and a metal deck with poured concrete on the Eastern 1/3rd of the platform and structural steel members with removable precast slabs on the Western 2/3rds of the platform. There are steps from Santa Fe Street up to the platform, a set of pilasters with fencing and gates in between, and a trellis. Project also included a lit signage element hanging from the trellis with a minimal amount of electrical outlets and lighting surrounding the platform. On the South side of the platform a steel fence sits on top of the brick wall. The North side of the platform tied in with the ballpark hardscape.
Original Contract Time: 200 calendar days (7 months)              
Completion Time: 7 months (on time)
Major Subcontractors/Suppliers: Vertex Contractors, Paso Del Norte Materials.
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